§ 4-79. Purchasing and contracting.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purchasing and contracts generally.
    Contracting agent. The Business Administrator shall be the City contracting agent with exclusive authority to contract for commodities, equipment and services, as permitted by the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and available appropriations. The contracting authority may be delegated to a purchasing agent or others by administrative regulation, provided that any employee making or purporting to authorize purchases without express authorization of the Business Administrator shall be personally liable for any such purchases.
    Mayor to execute contracts. The Mayor shall execute, on behalf of the City, and the Clerk shall attest all contracts and other legally binding obligations approved by the Council.
    Purchasing regulations.
    On or before December 15, 1982, the Mayor shall submit to the Council for adoption, by resolution, a complete system of regulations for centralized purchasing. The regulations shall fix procedures of the purchasing agent and all other City agencies in order to obtain proper quality at least cost, to maintain ethical and financial integrity between vendors and the City, and to comply with requirements of the Local Public Contracts Law.
    Once adopted, the regulations may be revised by resolution. The Mayor shall present any proposed changes to the Council at a regular meeting. The Council may approve, reject or return them for revision at the next regular meeting. Failure to act at that meeting shall constitute approval, and revisions may then be put into effect at once.