Chapter 4. Administration of Government  

Article I. Title; Definitions and Interpretation
Article II. The Council
Article III. City Clerk
Article IV. Mayor
Article V. Administration Generally
Article VI. Department of Administration
Article VII. Department of Revenue and Finance
Article VIII. Department of Public Safety
Article IX. Department of Public Works
Article X. Department of Health and Human Services
Article XI. Department of Human Resources
Article XII. Department of Licensing and Inspections
Article XIIA. Department of Planning and Development
Article XIII. Conflict of Interest
Article XIV. Statutory and Nondepartmental Agencies
Article XV. Municipal Court
Article XVI. Budget and Fiscal Procedures
Article XVII. Personnel System
Article XVIII. General Provisions
Article XIX. City Solicitor
HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Atlantic City 10-25-1982 by Ord. No. 25-1982. Amendments noted where applicable.


Affirmative action — See Ch. 7.
Defense and indemnification — See Ch. 16.
City documents — See Ch. 18.
Code of Ethics — See Ch. 22.
Official Flag — See Ch. 28.
Human Relations Commission — See Ch. 35.
Public meetings — See Ch. 45.
Personnel — See Ch. 47.
Personnel policies — See Ch. 48.
Residency requirements — See Ch. 56.
Salaries, titles and other compensation — See Ch. 57.