§ 81-1. Legislative findings; amusement and entertainment areas designated.  

Latest version.
  • It is hereby determined, declared and found that the City of Atlantic City constitutes a seashore resort with parts thereof customarily constituting an amusement or entertainment area according to the customary understanding of said terms in the community and that certain ocean piers in said city are known as recognized amusement parks. The amusement or entertainment areas in said city are more particularly described as follows:
    All of the lands located on the northerly side of the Boardwalk as follows: from the westerly side of Arkansas Avenue where the same intersects the Boardwalk and extending westwardly to the easterly side of Mississippi Avenue; from the westerly side of Georgia Avenue to the easterly side of Florida Avenue and from the easterly side of Texas Avenue to the westerly side of California Avenue.
    All of the lands located on the north side of the Boardwalk from the easterly side of Virginia Avenue where the same intersects the Boardwalk and extending eastwardly to the westerly side of New Jersey Avenue where the same intersects the Boardwalk.
    Premises known as "539 Boardwalk."
    Premises known as "192 St. James Place."
    Premises known as "2031-33 Boardwalk."
    That part of Central Pier, Tennesse Avenue and the Boardwalk, known as "Number 4 Central Pier."
    The amusement parks known as the "Million Dollar Pier" the "Steel Pier" and "Steeplechase Pier."
    Premises known as "194 South Kentucky Avenue."
    [Added 4-20-1961 by Ord. No. 17-1961]