§ 56-5. Unavailability of qualified residents.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The only exception to the requirements of this article shall be those situations in which a qualified resident cannot be found to fill a position or job title. Prior to making a determination that no qualified residents are available, the position or job title shall have been advertised at least three times in the Press of Atlantic City, The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Newark Star Ledger. Said advertisement shall set forth the job title and a brief description of the duties and general qualifications for the job, the salary range and shall state that a civil service examination is required, if appropriate. Said advertisement shall also set forth that preference will first be given to Atlantic City residents, then to nonresidents willing to move into the City within one year. Nonresidents who are not willing to move into Atlantic City will only be considered in accordance with § 56-5B herein, if no qualified applicants in the aforementioned categories have applied.
    In the event that the City Administration shall determine that a sufficient number of qualified residents for available positions of employment cannot be recruited, the City shall seek other qualified applicants, after submitting written documentation demonstrating such. All such nonresidents qualifying as applicants for such other positions of employment shall be classified in the following manner:
    [Amended 8-11-2004 by Ord. No. 75-2004]
    Other residents of Atlantic County.
    Other residents of counties contiguous to Atlantic County.
    Other residents of the state.
    All other applicants.
    Editor's Note: This ordinance was vetoed by the Mayor 8-23-2004, and said veto was subsequently overridden 9-8-2004. This ordinance consequently became effective 9-28-2004.
    The hiring authority shall first appoint all those in Subsection B(1) and then those in each succeeding subsection, in the order above listed, and shall appoint a person or persons in any such class only to a position or positions, employment or employments remaining after all qualified applicants in the preceding subsection or subsections, have been appointed or have declined an offer of employment. The preference established by this section shall in no way diminish, reduce or affect the preferences granted pursuant to any other provisions of the law. All nonresidents appointed or employed pursuant to this section shall become bona fide residents of the City within one year of their employment or employments as provided in § 56-3 herein.
    At the first meeting of the City Council in June and December of each year, the City Administration, through the Business Administrator, shall submit a written report to the City Council. Said report shall set forth the name, title, place of residence and date of execution of the most recent residency affidavit for all City employees.
Amended 10-9-1991 by Ord. No. 74-1991