§ 4-82. Surety bonds.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Every officer or employee who is entrusted with the receipt, custody or expenditure of moneys shall be bonded in such manner and amount as shall protect the City against financial loss due to dishonest or negligent conduct.
    Every officer or employee who is required by law to give bond shall execute it with sufficient surety and deliver it to the City Clerk before entering upon the duties of his or her office or employment. The Clerk shall deliver his or her bond to the Treasurer.
    The office or position of any officer or employee who shall neglect to execute and deliver his or her bond as herein required, within 30 days after due notification of the obligation to do so, may be declared vacant by the Council on recommendation of the Mayor.
    Bonds may be individual, schedule or blanket. They shall be secured by a corporate surety authorized to do business in this state and shall be approved by the City Attorney for legal form and sufficiency. All premiums shall be paid by the City.