§ 4-11.1. Eligibility for appointment.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    To be eligible, the person(s) to be appointed to any position, board, authority or office shall be a "resident," as defined in § 56-4 in the Code of the City of Atlantic City, and a qualified voter of the City of Atlantic City.
    Additionally, every person recommended for any office shall undergo a criminal history background check to be conducted by the appropriate division of the Atlantic City Police Department. The Atlantic City Police Department will furnish the appropriate forms for the applicant to complete to perform the background check. All appointments and reappointments will be done with the understanding that the appointee certifies he/she has not been convicted of a crime or offense involving moral turpitude. Further, the appointment or reappointment shall be conditioned upon the required background check, and any individual who is found to have committed a crime or offense involving moral turpitude shall be subject to removal in accordance with this chapter.
    [Amended 9-6-2000 by Ord. No. 50-2000]
    A report of the findings of the Police Department shall immediately be made available to the Clerk and Council member sponsoring the applicant. Should such criminal background check reveal a history of conviction of a crime or offense involving moral turpitude, such history shall be reviewed by the entire Council in executive session in accordance with the Sunshine Act, provided that the sponsor chooses not to withdraw the applicant.
    Any person appointed prior to the passage of this section and currently serving in the appointed capacity shall, within five days of the effective date of this section, be notified, in writing, by the City Clerk's office that he or she must submit to a criminal history background check within 10 days of the date of such notice. When completed, the results of said background check shall immediately be made available to the City Council.
    Should such criminal background check reveal a history of conviction of a crime or offense involving moral turpitude, the same procedure utilized in Subsection B and Subsection C as a prerequisite to appointment and reappointment shall be followed, except that the recommendation to be made by the Police Committee and the action thereafter by the entire Council shall be directed to whether such existing appointee shall remain in office or be barred from exercising the rights and privileges of the office.
    The cost of any and all criminal history background checks required by this section shall be waived and/or paid by the City of Atlantic City.
Added 6-7-2000 by Ord. No. 37-2000