§ 44-5. Duties.

Latest version.
  • The Commission shall have the following duties:
    Recommend to the Mayor and City Council any and all projects which the Commission has determined to be in the best interests of the City of Atlantic City for the promotion of filmmaking, the promotion of film programming in the public schools, the promotion of the history of the City of Atlantic City, etc.
    Recommend to the Mayor and City Council the operation of film festivals.
    Recommend to the Mayor and City Council means by which funds may be raised toward the Commission's major goal of promoting filmmaking and the history of filmmaking in the City of Atlantic City.
    Recommend to the Mayor and City Council means by which artifacts and the heritage of the City of Atlantic City filmmaking may be preserved and promoted.
    Make findings upon, and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council concerning, utilizing City resources to promote filmmaking and the heritage of City of Atlantic City filmmaking.
    Undertake any and all actions authorized by the Mayor and Council with respect to the promotion of filmmaking, operation of film festivals, the raising of funds and preservation of the heritage of City of Atlantic City filmmaking.
    To meet several times each year, as designated, and forward minutes of its meetings to the Mayor and Council.
    Any and all other and further duties and/or powers that may be delegated by the Mayor and Council.